

I'm a freelance search consultant and search engineer with a background in software development and linguistics. I have worked for clients in Germany and abroad supporting them to plan, implement and improve search in their applications. Please feel free to get in touch if search is on your agenda too!

René Kriegler

Key skills and technologies

Lucid Certified Apache Solr/Lucene Developer logo

News & links

[4 May 2015] I finally managed to provide a user documentation for Querqy, a rule-based query preprocessor for Java-based search engines.

[10 September 2014] The Semantic Web Up And Coming - my impressions of SEMANTiCS 2014 (blog post).

[25 July 2012] sirapp released! - sirapp is a tool that tests and monitors the quality of search results. I developed it in cooperation with inoio. More information here.

[4 August 2011] I passed my exam for "Lucid Certified Apache Solr/Lucene Developer". Many thanks to Flax for their support.

[January 2009] gruenderszene.de publishes my post about how onsite search can improve the succeess of a website: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (in German)

Contact me

René Kriegler
Phone:+49 - (0)173 - 9 860 248 (DE)
Tweets by @renekrie
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